Questionnaire for foreign media accredited by the Russian Foreign Ministry

All fields are required

Accreditation rules
First and last name


Personal data
* Passport series, or the four characters of the number
* Passport series, or the four characters of the number
Your face should take up 70-80% of the photograph.
Photo must be at least 800x800 pixels, in JPG, no larger than 3 MB, and in color, taken in front of a plain light background with the face taking up between 70 and 80 percent of the photo.
Uploaded file:

Scanned passport copy in PDF or JPEG format.

The total size of the attachments should not exceed 10 MB. All documents must be uploaded in a single file (PDF or JPEG format).

Information about media organisation
Uploaded file:

Scanned copy in PDF or JPG format. A template

The total size of the attachments should not exceed 10 MB. All documents must be uploaded in a single file (PDF or JPEG format).

Uploaded file:

Scanned copy of the accreditation of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The total size of the attachments should not exceed 10 MB. All documents must be uploaded in a single file (PDF or JPEG format).

Do you intend to visit the city press center in person to take part in its events?
Contact information
Ask a question
*required fields
Required for journalists